Job opportunities and future talent

Job opportunities in North Savo – tips for talents and employers
““Experts in different fields and providers of work, may your paths cross easily!””
Talent – Would you like to work in North Savo?
North Savo needs skilled workers in several different fields. The region offers a wide range of career opportunities and services to support personal life, providing new talent with the perfect setting for living a balanced life.
There are also many job opportunities in international companies in North Savo, if you want to pursue an international career. They allow you to work abroad and then return, if you wish. In North Savo, you can be part of the international community if that is what you want.
When you are looking for a job, it pays to be curious and active, to get to know the companies and organisations in the region, to build your network and to send open applications to interesting employers. Find out how the Kuopio Employment Service can support your job-seeking process on the website of the Employment Service.
Where to look for jobs – job search channels in North Savo:
- Job Market Finland
- Kuntarekry
- Duunitori
- Oikotie
- Jobly
- Service for students (profile for employers to read and part-time jobs, internships and thesis jobs advertised by employers)
- Work in Finland (jobs for English-speaking professionals in Kuopio)
- TE-live recruitment channel
See also the recruitment pages of the partners of Talent First:
- City of Kuopio
- City of Iisalmi
- SavoGrow area (Keitele, Pielavesi, Rautalampi, Suonenjoki, Tervo, Vesanto)
- Savonia University of Applied Sciences
- University of Eastern Finland
- Wellbeing services county of North Savo
- Charles River
- Peeässä
- Novapolis
- Kuopio Region Chamber of Commerce
- Kuopio-Tahko Marketing
- Medikro
Employer – Are you looking for talent?
In North Savo, recruitment is a joy. Here, many are searching for The One and perhaps you can offer the perfect job for someone. When you are looking for the right match, there is no point in doing it alone. A wide range of services is available to support recruitment.
Help with recruitment
The business experts at the North Savo TE Services can help you with all your recruitment needs:
- creating and posting a job advertisement
- finding suitable candidates from the database
- conducting interviews and organising recruitment events
- promoting the visibility of job advertisements using the free service
- international recruitment (EURES)
- employing trainees in companies through RekryKoulutus
- matters relating to staff reductions (change security)
More information on the website of TE Enterprise Services. The employer and business services of North Savo are available at +358 295 043 502 on weekdays from 9.00 am to 4.15 pm.
The City of Kuopio Employment Service provides individual support with recruitment and with identifying various support options. The Employment Service also allows you to advertise vacancies in your company, including summer jobs. The Employment Service also distributes summer job vouchers for pupils in grade 9.
For more information on recruitment and employment services, see the Employment Service page for employers: Services for employers – Kuopio
International House Kuopio helps businesses in the region to find skilled labour. We advise companies on how to find suitable employees in Finland and abroad. We also help employers find interns from English-language study programmes at local universities.
Work in Finland – International Recruitment Advice Service for Employers provides companies and employers with information and guidance on the recruitment of international talent, hiring and permit processes, and settling in Finland. Advice is available by phone and e-mail.
The service is provided by the Work in Finland experts of the TE Office. The advisory service for employers is one of several measures Finland is taking to facilitate the immigration of skilled workers. The service is part of a broader Work in Finland service under development, which is being led by the Ministry of Employment and the Economy. The Work in Finland unit of Business Finland will also operate as part of the service. Read more
You can also post job vacancies in the Jobs in Finland service provided by Business Finland (How do I add my company’s job vacancies to
EURES is a job search service maintained by the EU. You can ask for more information about EURES from the Corporate Collaboration Coordinator or directly from the EURES experts in North Savo.
International recruitment is often presented as a solution to the labour shortage – and for good reason! We need skilled workers, no matter where they come from. International talent recruitment is one solution that many organisations are already benefiting from.
Basic package for international recruitment: Sign up for a free Solutions to labour shortage training session (3 h)
Opiskelijatö is an employment service for students in the North Savo region.
Students can submit their job search profiles to the service for employers to read and search for part-time jobs, internships and thesis jobs advertised by employers.
Sakky, Savo Vocational College, offers services and materials to companies for promoting the employment of international talent. Sakky wants to facilitate the interactions of immigrants and employers in working life. In addition to the services provided by Sakky (telephone interpreting services and training), the website also contains materials for businesses.
Advertise jobs and internships to university students!
JobTeaser is a job and internship service used by the following Finnish universities: the universities of Helsinki, Tampere, Turku, Jyväskylä, Eastern Finland, Vaasa, Oulu and Lapland, LUT and Aalto University, Hanken and Åbo Akademi University.
JobTeaser allows you to reach students and recent graduates from all Finnish universities with one advertisement. Posting advertisements is free of charge for employers. Read more about the service.
Talent Hub Eastern Finland is a project that helps employers identify the potential of international students and find skilled labour. The project provides support and concrete tools for the recruitment of international employees, onboarding and language learning in the workplace and adaptation to the Finnish work culture. The goal is to lower the threshold for hiring international talent and make it a natural part of organisations’ day-to-day activities. Read more about the project on the website of UEF.
Talent Hub Eastern Finland project period: 1 September 2023 – 31 August 2027.
Click here to see the path for employers and find out what services Talent Hub offers.